Monday, August 10, 2009

one year & counting

well- it has been one year today that my lovely hubby and i have been married :) i just wanted to tell him happy anniversary & to let him know how much i love him & how proud i am of all the accomplishments he has made recently. i love you babe!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

thumb sucking, faux hawks & blessings

hello everyone! time for a quick recap of last week & a little from this week. first of all- last monday, reagan laughed out loud for the first time! a bon-a-fide laugh! it was adorable! dave & i were playing with her and she just let it out. her newest thing this week is sucking her thumb. it started the other night. however, this morning i woke up to check on her and she had her thumb in her mouth. and again tonight i went to check on her in her swing & she had it in her mouth again. but it is only her left thumb. she will stick her right hand in her mouth, but not her thumb. i am not sure she has figured out that she has two. needless to say, she gets more adorable everyday!

sterling has been his energetic self this past week. for months he has been asking for a mohawk. well with curly hair,that is a little difficult. we asked the hair dresser at great clips if she could do a faux hawk for him. she said it shouldn't be a problem. so we let sterling get what he has been asking looks so cute. i don't have a picture, but i will post it when i get it. seriously, you should have seen him after it was done. he kept starring in the mirror and doing "thumbs up". then yesterday dave had to run to walmart and he said that he couldn't get out of automotive because sterling was stopping at every mirror to look at himself!! he starts school next week...that should be fun!

as for dave & i- we had a very eventful sunday. we received our patriarchal blessings!! and this week dave is getting the priesthood so he will be able to bless reagan :) i am excited for that! i went back to work full time this week....ask me at the end of the week how i am feeling....its tough! and lastly- we bought a new car! a chrysler pacifica...yes a station wagon. dave will tell you it is a cross-over, but he is just in denial...(sound like anyone you know kenzie??) ha ha! well i think that is all i have for now!! talk soon!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

orange belts, announcements & rifles.....

hello all!! so i have to say, i think i am getting pretty good at this updating thing. i know it may be a little early to toot my own horn, but three weeks in a row! WHOA! that is good for me :) so here are the updates...

sterling graduated from a white belt to an orange belt last week at taekwondo. i have to say, it is adorable to see a bunch of little kids doing karate. the kids that were graduating from yellow to camo belts were adorable in their little sparring gear! and it was so cute to see sterling so excited about getting his new belt. you should have seen his eyes when he was watching the black belts kids do their little demonstrations. he said, "mommy, i want to be a black belt & do the swords like them." and then when the ceremony was over, he made sure to call his papa and tell him how he "gradulated". no that is not a type-o. he said "gradulated".

reagan continues to amaze us with her little developments. we put her in her swing and for about 30 minutes she cooed and giggled at herself in the mirror above her. she is such a strong little girl. she continues to stand for longer periods of time & that little grin she has is enough to melt your heart. she has started to realize when she is in the room alone. for example, when we eat dinner, i usually put her in her swing. well, she started crying recently so now we put her in her boppy bouncer and sit her at the table with us. she is so funny to watch. especially when her big brother is the one making her laugh. i have such wonderful children!

ok- so i am going to save the announcement for last (that way you have to read the entire scrolling to the end). so lets talk about the rifle...on friday i went into work really early for a few hours. around 7 am, i get a call from dave that went something like this..."i just got a reverse 911 call from gilbert pd. apparently there is a man roaming power ranch with a rifle." ok- nicole now goes into panic mode...turn on the alarm, grab the kids & barricade yourself in the room. of course dave tells me he already has the alarm on & the kids in our room, but not to worry because power ranch is big and he probably is no where near our neighborhood....WRONG! turns out he was right down the street from our house!!! for those who don't know what revers 911 is, it is when the police notify people in the surrounding area of where an incident is occurring so they can take precautions to remain safe. needless to say i was a wreck at work until dave called to say they had caught the guy. the only good thing that came of this- dave said sterling & reagan laughed & entertained each other for over an hour! wish i could have seen it. i have such good kids :)

and finally, the big announcement......drum roll i am not pregnant you crazy people! how could you even think that!! ok- for reals- here it is.....we are moving to utah in september!! i know- don't be sad. you will still have the blog to follow us & of course facebook. and i am sure we will be out here visiting. i have to say, i am a little nervous about the snow. i have never driven in snow...on the other hand, how pretty will it be on christmas morning when we wake up to snow while opening presents!! i can't wait!!!

ta ta for now!!! cole

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

shots & swimming pools

so i know this is two days late...let me explain. the other night dave was uploading our wedding pics from the october wedding and after he took the disc out, an error flashed on the screen & now we can't get the computer to work. so i had to pull out the old laptop which hasn't been used in over a year & a half!! now for the update!

sterling had a huge accomplishment this week! he is actually swimming under the water & jumping into the pool off the diving board! for those of you that know him, you understand what a big deal this is. for those that don't, let me explain. sterling is 6 years old and until last week, the kid wouldn't even put his face in the water. he for some reason was afraid of going under the water in a pool, but had no problem being in the ocean and letting the waves hit him in the face. weird- i know. usually it is the other way around. needless to say, it is much more enjoyable to go to the pool with him now! also- he had his first karate tournament. when i can figure out how to upload i will..if anyone can help me out,please let me know! it was just a little in school tourni, but it was cute to see them try to do the nun chucks. he got two ribbons & was excited :)

reagan had her two month shots this week. she did really good. she is now 24 1/2 inches long & weighs 12 lbs 13 oz. she is a little chunker!! i think half her weight is in her little know what i mean! but she is absolutely precious. her little personality is starting to come out. she continues to smile at us and is making more noises everyday. we have a picture of the temple above out couch and often times when i am feeding her or when i am just holding her, i see her smile & stare at it. sometimes she "talks" when she is starring at it. i always asking her who she is looking at. i like to think its the angels of our loved ones that have passed on.

as for the parents, we are just hanging in there. not anything to exciting for us this week. maybe next week we will have going on...then again, maybe not. it is my last week before i go back to work full time so i have a feeling that i will be a crying fool. ta ta for now!

Monday, July 13, 2009

new vow

well- i have a new vow i am taking. i will explain it in a bit. first let me tell you how this new "vow" came about. as many of you know, a few weeks ago, i attended two different funerals. although they were very different, there was one thing that was common in them both. journaling. i never realized how much journaling can mean to the loved ones left behind. i know the church talks about journaling, but i guess i never really thought about it. i have always tried to journal, but something always gets in the way. well not anymore. i am going to try to keep a journal daily for myself and the kids. i thought it was so amazing that T had little snip its to read at Sadie's celebration of life. And my friends father has years of journals to read & get to know his son in a different light. what a blessing! I started a journal for sterling when i was pregnant with him. sad that i haven't written in it for 6 years. i have a lot of catching up to do! but- i figure if i can keep a daily one, then it will be easy to update the blog at least weekly with kid updates :) so here is the first update!!

Reagan is now 2 months old! time flies by! it seems like just yesterday she was kicking me in the ribs & now she is smiling at me. she has started to recognize our faces. it is my favorite when i talk to her & she looks in my eyes with her big blue eyes and smiles at me. she has also started to coo & makes lots of noises. she is standing a little bit....don't get too excited, it is only for about 10 seconds, bt of course i think she is a baby genius since she can do this. and just the other day she found her hands. it is amazing how quickly they develop these little "tricks & talents" as daddy & i like to call them.

sterling is growing like a weed! we took him to the doctor the other day & he is now 4 feet 1 3/4 inches tall & 57 pounds! FINALLY the kid has gained some weight. many of you know that he is my tall skinny kid!! he still amazes me with some of the things he says. the other day he told me that he wants to trade reagan hands. when i asked why, he replied, "because mommy. her little hands are so precious & i want to keep them forever." so sweet. he loves his little sister. then the other dad, nana took him swimming at grandma dana's. he has finally started to go underwater (thank heavens). anywho- my mom was showing him how to jump off the diving board, and when she came up for air, he looked at her & said, "that's my girl." seriously- i am not sure where he comes up with some of the things he says. sterling has also started taekwondo. he had his first tournament this weekend. it was cute. i took some video so if i can figure out how to get it uploaded i will. he has only been going for about 4 weeks but is doing pretty good. he is great at saying "yes sir" to his if i could only get him to do that at home!! ha ha! he looks precious in his little gee. i think that is how you spell it!

as for dave & i, we are doing good. i started going back to work last week. only part time, but it was still hard. today dave & reagan met me for lunch. bad idea. how am i suppose to go back to work after holding my little girl at lunch? it was rough. i made him come hang out with me at the office for a little bit before they headed home. we still have a few midnight feedings so i am a little sleep deprived. but all in all reagan is a great baby. i am so blessed to have good, healthy children.

so- look forward to my weekly & random posts. i will get some more pics updated soon! and please, if you see me slipping with my new journaling vow, please call me out on it! help keep me in line! love to you all!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

sterling chronicles

ok- so i have told you all that i would post some of the funny things that sterling says. so here are a few things that i have thought are cute & hilarious :) hope you enjoy!!!

1. one night we were driving to wendy's and all the sudden sterling started freaking out saying he won't eat there anymore. when asked why, he proceeded to tell me that he won't eat there anymore because wendy's thinks they are better than everyone...he got this because their new tag line is "it's way better than fast food- its wendys" he says it is not nice for them to say they are better than everyone, so he won't eat there....ha ha

2. my mom took him to target to buy some toys with his birthday money & he looked around the aisle then said to my mom, "nana, this is heaven!"

3. ok- this one is a little g-ross, but funny so i have to put it on here...ok- so a couple of months ago, we took sterling to the doctor because he was having sever stomach pains. we found out that he was constipated, so we had these little suppositiroies that we had to give him. well when i gave him the first one, i explained that he needed to keep it in so the medicine could help him. about 5 minutes after i gave it to him, i hear him say, "mom,help me! my poop is beating up my butt!"

ok- i know there are a few more, but i am misremembering them right now as sterling would say. it is amazing the words that kids make up!

Monday, June 22, 2009

whoa- we need an update!!!

wow- alot has happened in our lives since our last post! which was in february!! so let me give you a quick recap!!

first- our adorable little girl reagan was born on May 12th, 2009 at 10:14pm. she was 8lbs 4oz & 21 inches long! she was 2 weeks early just like her big brother! here are a few pics of her first days on earth!!

the proud daddy!

this is my favorite!! look at those cheeks!

the proud big brother!

our first day home :)
so- life with a newborn is fun. i have forgotten what it is like to have a baby in the house! sterling loves her, but gets bored easy. we have tried to explain to him that right now she won't do much. he of course wants to teach her all the things he has learned, which is adorable, but he doesn't understand that she can't do all those things yet. the other day, sterling went to the store with dave and on the way out they saw a little girl. sterlings says, "dad, did you see that little girl? she is cute, but no where near as cute as reagan." seriously- make my heart melt! i love that kid! he has such a sweet heart!

reagan is smiling already. normally after she eats or dirties her diaper. funny- i know, but hey whatever works! she is now 1 month old & weighs 10lbs 10 oz. WHAT A CHUNK! i love it! i am going to start posting updates weekly- this time i promise!!! so please continue to read!

we also went to disney land for sterlings bday. i am going to upload those pics tonight & will post about it tomorrow along with some of the sterling chronicles i promised. trust me- you will want to read them. he has said some pretty cute things lately!

here are some pics we had taken of the kids! enjoy!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

new family & things to think about

this weekend we had the privilege of meeting two very special little girls- emma & taylor bailey. i titled this new family because i have met their dad (who i guess is my cousin indirectly) but i was so young that i don't remember him. however, my aunt is his aunt so it all works out somehow. anyway- some of you may know who they are from tv shows they have been on, some may have clicked on the link from my blog "two sisters one heart" and some of you may not know anything about them. like i said, they are special little girls. they are conjoined twins that share one heart & liver. let me tell you, these little girls & the bailey family were an inspiration to me. we were part of the fundraising event this weekend for these two little girls. it was amazing to me to see not only how many people showed up to this event, but to see the spirits of emma & taylor & their family. everyone had such big smiles on their face & the giggles...the girls were such good sports through the walk. i have to say that mandy & tor are such strong people. they are faced with tough situation, yet it doesn't seem to affect their spirits. they are so happy & you can just see how thankful they are to have those two precious children in their life.

as i was finishing the walk yesterday, i noticed on the side of the trail as you were walking out, there were signs with names posted of conjoined twins that did not make it after birth or hadn't lived very long. it brought me to tears. some children lived for 30 days & some for 30 minutes. it was heartbreaking to know how many families have lost children because of health problems due to being conjoined. it really put into perspective how thankful i am to have a healthy child & a healthy one on the way. makes you realize that instead of complaining about what is trivial, i should be saying thank you to heavenly father for what he has given me.

my heart goes out to the families that have lost children. i hope that others can see the strength that tor & mandy have and cling to that when they are in need. they truly are amazing parents! thank you to them for letting us be a small part of their lives & family.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


so i am still trying to get better at updating this thing! i think i am starting to do better, however i still have room for lots of improvement. so here it goes.

first lets start with sterling. as you all know by now, he is playing soccer. well two weeks ago he actually scored his first goal. now i am sure you are wondering why there aren't a lot of exclamation points next to that statement. here is why- it was for the other team....yeah- he was playing goalie and he had to drop kick the ball out on to the field. well he is only 5 and hasn't quite mastered that skill yet, so in his attempt to kick the ball on to the field, he actually kicked it in the air, behind his head and into his own goal. it was very cute & funny at the time. and of course, i had the video on pause so i missed getting the whole thing on tape!! his team did end up winning the game though. the only point the other team had was sterling's goal. ha ha! they also won this last week so now they are on a winning streak!! keep it up yellow lightening! dave has a funny story about sterling & soccer, but i will leave that up to him to tell you. i will say this, it involves a porta potty & a little boy who had to go and couldn't hold it any longer. if you know sterling, you know that a porta potty is not exactly a place that he would like to be for long...he must get that from me...i can't stand those things.

he is getting very excited about the arrival of his little sister reagan. the other morning i was leaving for work, and i think he kissed my belly about 4 times before i finally had to tell him to stop because i was going to be late for work. he kept saying, "oh she's so cute, let me kiss her again...i love her so much." it was adorable! because he has been saying some funny things lately, i told dave that we need to start documenting them so we can embarrass him when he is older. so be on the look out for the sterling chronicles. they should be entertaining!!

as for reagan, she is growing quite well. we had an fetal ecg done today to check her little heart just to make sure it is ok. as many of you know, her daddy has a special heart :) he was born with a heart defect so just to be safe, our doctor wanted to make sure she was ok. so they sent us for the test and to our surprise since the specialist had never seen us, they did a full ultra sound with the fetal ecg. it was nice because we got to see a lot of movement & cool things. they also gave us a TON of pictures, made us a cd & a dvd of the whole ultra sound. she wasn't very cooperative, but they were able to see that every thing looks beautiful!! she is right on track- measuring 1 pound 11 ounces & just above average for weight & length right now. she is measuring with a due date of may 21, however we are still saying the 23rd because if you have ever had a baby you know they never measure to their original due date. giver or take a few days & they decide to come when they want so does the due date really matter??

anyways- some of the pics they gave us were 3d of her little face so i am attaching one for you all to see. now look closely... you will see her face and little hand pretty clear. the thing right next to her hand is her foot. she had them both up by her face so basically she was folded in half. i am not sure how that is comfortable, but she stayed like that the entire time! here is our little reagan lynn :)i personally think she is adorable....

here are some pics of the belly at 24 weeks :)

so those are some fun updates for you!! if you want a good laugh, read my previous post "I've been tagged!" that one should be quite entertaining.

ta ta for now! cole :)

I've been tagged

so my friend kristin tagged me about 2 weeks ago & i thought i better finally respond!! so here goes!!

here are the rules of the game:
1. there is no rule one 2. you must post the rules on your blog page 3. list 6 random things about yourself 4. tag 6 people at the end of your blog entry 5. let each person know they have been tagged & leave a comment on their blog 6. let the tagger know when your entry is up

so here goes nothing!!

1. i collect fortunes from fortune cookies. and when i say collect, i don't just mean a few that i liked here or there. i mean i collect them...i have every single fortune that i have ever gotten out of a fortune cookie. i know it's crazy, but i feel like it is bad luck to throw them away. i am actually thinking about making something out of them.

2.i twirl my hair when i am in deep thought, bored or tired. but only on the left side with my left hand. for some reason when i try to use my right hand, it doesn't feel right. weird i know!

3. i find the commercials by roxy the shamrock spokescow to be hilarious. i am not sure if you all know what i am talking about, but if you ever see the commercials on tv or hear them on the radio, just listen to them. she is so funny. i am not sure if it is her little slogans she spits out, but they bring a smile to my face. i even have a roxy doll at my desk that one of my employees got me when she visited the farm because she knew that i liked her..."peace in the pasture people"

4. i think i would die if there wasn't music in my life...really. i have to have it on all the time. i actually don't work as well if it is quiet. and because i am so obsessed with music, many times i wake up with the most random songs in my head. like the other day i woke up singing, "hot blooded" and could not get it out of my head. i am sorry but wasn't that song from the 70's or 80's??? it is also annoying when i wake up with stupid jingles from tv in my head....example 5, 5, 5 dollar foot long! courtesy of my lovely 5 year old. that is all he sings lately!!! DAMN U SUBWAY!

5. i like to write backwards. basically so if you held what i was writing up in a mirror, you could read it the correct way. i think it is because as a kid i always wanted to be left handed. weird, yes...but my alphabet & hand writing after many years of practice is actually very legible that way. i can even write most words in cursive backwards. i know- what a great talent to have :) maybe one day i will write you a letter backwards and you can work your noggin to read it :) (clearly i am a dork this i know)

6. and finally since kristin embarrassed herself on her post, i figured i would have to join in and embarrass myself. so if you were at the wedding, you probably heard my maid of honor say she had some good stories- well here my friends is a shortened version of one. when i was about 5 or 6, keir & i went swimming. she is 3 years older than me and about 4 inches taller. so when we rinsed off after swimming, i asked her for some clothes so i didn't have to put my dirty swim suit back on. well, needless to say, she said all her stuff was to big for me. so- listening to the advice of my older friend, i did what she said and ran home naked. yes that is right- 6 houses away in the middle of the day i ran home with nothing on....needless to say, my babysitter was not thrilled when i rang the doorbell to get in the house. i am sure my parents weren't happy when they found out, but at least it is a good story to tell now :)

here are the people who i am choosing to tag...kenzie, marsha, jami, dave, tawnya, mom. enjoy!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

lesson learned

i'm sorry- wasn't it just yesterday that i posted a blog that said something to the affect of being worried about sterling falling on his skateboard and getting hurt & me not being ready for all that...yeah well i shouldn't have said anything. so i am sitting at work today and i get a phone call from his school...."hi this is the nurse. i have sterling in here.." (break to me freaking out). apparently sterling & one of his friends were running on the playground and he ran smack into another little boy. when he hit the little boys head, it knocked Sterling's two from teeth loose & his lip has a nice little cut on it now :( at least they are his baby teeth. i am telling you..i should have never said anything last night! well, at least i got it over with....i am sure there are more to come, but really?? did it have to happen the next day!!! GEEZ!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Soccer Games & Baptisms!!!

again- i know i am horrible about updating this thing!! i am trying to get better, but it is so dang hard!!! as i am typing all my excuses, reagan is kicking me as if she is saying, "stop making excuses mom & just get with the program!" ok ok- i promise to be a better blogger! so here is what is new in the burleigh family!!!

saturday january 10th, sterling had his first soccer game! he looks so adorable in his uniform :) i knew when i was pregnant with him he was going to be my little soccer star! he kicked like crazy! and he loves every minute of practice & his games. he seems so be doing good. they lost their first game, but redeemed themselves this past saturday with a 9-0 win! go yellow lightening!!! not so fond of the team name, but oh well.

and now for the baptism part- yes my wonderful husband was dunked on the 17th :) it was a wonderful baptism. thank you to all of the friends & family who came out to support him and witness such a special day for him. i am so excited for what lies ahead for us. he will be able to bless little reagan and baptize sterling & her when they are of age. it is going to be such a blessing in our home. he looked so cute in his white jumpsuit before they baptized him...he will probably be sore at me for saying he looked cute but who cares :) thank you also to all those who participated in the program that night. it was truely a beautiful night.

and last but not least, i wanted to put some pictures out there of sterling riding his new bike he got for christmas. he is such a little ham...he sure loves being outside on his bike. he also got a skateboard, but mommy is too afraid to let him try that one just yet. his coordination isn't that great yet and i don't want him to fall and break a leg or something!! i know i know- i need to let him be a little boy and fall a few times, but it makes me sad to see him day i will but for now, i prefer to have him with out bumps & bruises....

good night for now...and again, i promise to be a better blogger to all those who follow this blog. thanks for being patient with me!! love you all!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Baby Reagan Part 2

so as you can see from the previous post, we did find out on December 30th that we will be welcoming a little girl into the family. yes i know- i am 6 days late in posting the news, but hey- better late than never right!! we are all so excited!! we took sterling with us to the appointment because he wanted to be there when we found out if he was going to have a sister or brother. anyway- he was so funny, halfway through the ultra sound, he says, "how long do we have to sit here mom?" i had to explain to him that before the tech could tell us if the baby was a boy or girl, she had to make sure that the baby was healthy. he relaxed a little after that, but once she said it was a girl, then he was all amped up again!!

it is adorable- every night before he goes to bed, he has to say good night to Reagan Lynn Burleigh (he uses her full name) and then he kisses or hugs my belly. it is so cute. i can't wait to see what he is like when she is actually here and he can kiss her little face!!

we will be getting a 3d ultra sound in a few more weeks, so once we do, we will try to post the pic. i am not making any promises on how good it will be though. and when we get the nursery done, which daddy can not wait to get started, we will post pics.

love you all!

Baby Reagan

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