Sunday, July 13, 2008


Welcome family and friends! We are proud to announce the engagement of Nicole Marie Huish and David Nicholas Burleigh. Details for the wedding will follow on this blog. For now, please just join in rejoicing our love.


Anonymous said...

How adorable are the two of you!!! I am so excited/happy for you Nicole. I can't wait for the fabulous celebration!

Dave & Nicole Burleigh said...

It is nice to know that you are so happy and excited for Cole. I guess I am the only excited and happy for myself!

Anonymous said...

awww Dave, you sound so sad. You know that will cost more money, others to be happy for you.

I am VERY happy for both of you. I can't wait to see the love grow between the two of you. Really can't wait to see Nicoles belly grow, so good thing yall are getting married so soon, that way yall can "get-r done" tee hee.

Dave I think you will be a great adition to the family, and I am very thankful that you love my cousin so much. I wish nothing but the best for you both, but we all know that there will be "those" day stuck in the middle.

Anonymous said... bad...Dave I am very happy for you as well. Can't wait to finally meet you and tell you how excited I am for you BOTH in person :-)

Anonymous said... let me clarify. NO Cole is not pregnant....I am just saying..I can't wait!

love you both, I am very excited for you two to be able to start your lives together.